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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-18 00:50:02


League of Legends (LOL) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game developed and published by Riot Games. The game features a perse roster of champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles. In this article, we will explore some of the most ICONic champions in LOL.

The Mark**en

The mark**en are ranged champions who excel at deaLing sustained damage from a distance. They are typically fragile but deal high damage output in team fights. One such champion is Ashe, the Frost Archer. Ashe's abilities include Volley, which fires a barrage of arrows in a cone-shaped area, and Enchanted CRystal Arrow, which stuns an enemy champion on impact.

Jinx is another popular mark**an known for her chaotic playstyle. Her Q ability Switcheroo! allows her to switch between two weapons: Pow-Pow for rapid-fire attacks and Fishbones for long-range rockets that deal splash damage to multiple enemies.

The Tanks

Tanks are durable champions who can soak up large amounts of damage while protecting their teammates. A prime example is Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith. Malphite's passive Granite Shield grants him a shield that absorbs damage based on his maximum health.

Another formidable tank is Leona, the Radiant Dawn. Leona has several crowd control abilities such as Zenith Blade (a long-range dash that stuns enemies) and Solar Flare (an AoE stun ultimate). She excels at initiating team fights and locking down priority targets.

The Mages

Mages are spellcasting champions who rely on their magical abilities to deal burst or sustained damage from afar. One notable mage is Lux, the Lady of Luminosity. Lux can snare enemies with Light Binding and unleash a powerful laser beam with her ultimate, Final Spark.

Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil, is another mage known for his ability to scale infinitely. His passive grants him ability power every time he hits an enemy champion with an ability. Veigar's ultimate, Primordial Burst, deals massive damage based on the target's missing health and Veigar's own ability power.

The Assassins

Assassins are high-mobility champions who excel at quickly eliminating priority targets. One such champion is Zed, the Master of Shadows. Zed can create shadows that mimic his abilities and allow him to dash around the battlefield. His ultimate Death Mark deals significant burst damage and leaves a mark on the target that can be triggered for additional damage after a few seconds.

Katarina is another notorious assassin known for her devastating area-of-effect damage. Her passive Voracity reduces all cooldowns when she gets a kill or assist, allowing her to chain together multiple abilities in quick suCCession during team fights.

The Supports

Support champions focus on aiding their teammates through healing, shielding, crowd control, or utility spells. Janna is one such support known for her exceptional disengage capabilities. Her Q ability Howling Gale creates a tornado that knocks up enemies in its path while her E ability Eye of the Storm shields an ally and grants them bonus attack damage or protection from crowd control effects.

Soraka is another popular support who excels at healing allies from long range using her W ability Astral Infusion. She also has global presence with her ultimate Wish which instantly heals all allied champions regardless of their location on the map.


The world of League of Legends offers players a wide variety of champions to choose from across different roles and playstyles. Whether you prefer dealing damage from a distance, protecting your team, or assassinating key targets, there is a champion for every playstyle in LOL.

Remember to experiment with different champions and find the ones that suit your preferred playstyle. With regular updates and new additions to the roster, League of Legends continues to provide an exciting and dynamic experience for players around the world.




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