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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-14 13:25:02


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game that features a perse roster of champions. Among these champions, the fighters are known for their durability and damage-dealing capabilities. In this article, we will explore the top ten strongest fighters in LoL and determine who deserves to be crowned as the ultimate champion.

Fighter 1: Darius

Darius is a fearsome Noxian warrior who wields an enormous axe. His passive ability, Hemorrhage, inflicts bleeding damage on his enemies over time. ADditionally, his ultimate ability - Noxian Guillotine - deals massive true damage based on missing health. Darius' high sustain and crowd control make him an unstoppable force in team fights.

Fighter 2: Fiora

Fiora is a duelist with unmatched precision and agility. Her passive ability allows her to target vital points on enemy champions for bonus true damage. With her Riposte ability, she can parry incoming attacks and stun her opponents while dealing significant damage with Burst of Speed.

Fighter 3: Camille

Camille is a deadly assassin with incredible mobility and burst potential. Her Hookshot ability allows her to quickly engage or disengage from fights while stunning enemies along the way. With Precision Protocol's empowered auto-attacks and Hextech Ultimatum's lockdown eFFect, Camille can eliminate squishy targets before they even have a chance to react.

Fighter 4: Jax

Jax is known as the Grandmaster at Arms due to his exceptional skill with weapons. His passive - Relentless Assault - grants him increased attack speed after each basic attack or spell casted consecutively against an enemy champion. Jax's Counter Strike ability allows him to dodge incoming attacks and stun his opponents, making him a formidable duelist.

Fighter 5: Irelia

Irelia is a versatile fighter who excels at both burst damage and sustained fighting. Her passive - Ionian Fervor - grants her bonus attack speed based on the number of enemy champions hit by her abilities. With Bladesurge's reset mechanic and Vanguard's Edge's multiple dashes, Irelia can swiftly eliminate priority targets in team fights.

Fighter 6: Renekton

Renekton is a ferocious crocodile-like champion who dominaTES the top lane. His passive ability - Reign of Anger - empowers his abilities when he reaches maximum fury. With Cull the Meek's self-healing and Dominus' AoE damage, Renekton becomes an unstoppable force in team fights while being able to sustain through prolonged engagements.

Fighter 7: Aatrox

Aatrox is a darkin blade-wielder with immense sustain and crowd control capabilities. His passive ability allows him to revive upon taking fatal damage, giving him a second chance in team fights. With The Darkin Blade's wide range and Infernal Chains' crowd control effect, Aatrox can deal significant damage while disrupting enemy formations.

Fighter 8: Riven

Riven is an agile warrior known for her complex mechanics and high burst potential. Her passive ability grants her bonus attack damage after using an ability consecutively up to three times before going on cooldowns briefly refreshed by auto-attacks or other abilities used between them.With Broken Wings' dash resets and Blade of the Exile's enhanced abilities, Riven can unleash devastating combos that decimate enemies within seconds.

Fighter 9: Garen

Garen is a straightforward and durable champion who excels at soaking up damage. His passive ability - Perseverance - allows him to regenerate health rapidly when out of combat. With Decisive Strike's silence and Judgment's AoE damage, Garen can disrupt enemy carries while dealing consistent damage throughout team fights.

Fighter 10: Olaf

Olaf is a relentless berserker who thrives on low health situations. His passive ability grants him bonus attack speed based on missing health, allowing him to deal significant damage even when near death. With Undertow's slow effect and Ragnarok's immunity to crowd control, Olaf becomes an unstoppable force that charges into the enemy backline without fear.


In conclusion, the top ten strongest fighters in League of Legends offer a perse range of playstyles and abilities. Each champion possesses unique strengths that make them formidable in their own right. However, if we were to crown one as the ultimate champion among them all, it would have to be Darius with his unmatched durability, crowd control, and devastating ultimate ability.




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