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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-13 05:50:01


League of Legends: Wild Rift is a popular mobile game that offers a variety of roles for players to choose from. One of the most iMPortant roles in the game is the jungle role, also known as the "jungler." The jungler's main objective is to clear neutral monster camps and provide support to their teammates by ganking enemy lanes. In this article, we will discuss some of the best jungle champions in Wild Rift that are worth practicing.

The Importance of Jungle Role


The jungle role plays a crucial part in determining the outcome of a match. A skilled jungler can control objectives such as dragons and heralds, secure kills for their team, and create pressure on multiple lanes simultaneously. Therefore, it is essential for players who want to excel at Wild Rift to master at least one or two jungle champions.

Evelynn: The Agony's Embrace

Evelynn is an assassin-type champion who excels at ambushing enemies and dealing burst damage. Her passive ability allows her to become invisible when out-of-combat or near-stealthed enemies, making her an excellent ganker. Evelynn's ultimate ability deals massive magic damage while providing crowd control effects, making her deadly in team fights.

Lee Sin: The Blind Monk

Lee Sin is one of the most mechanically demanding champions in Wild Rift but offers great rewards when mastered. He has high mobility with his Q ability allowing him to dash towards enemies or allies and his W ability granting him shield and lifesteal. Lee Sin's ultimate can kick an enemy into his team or away from them, providing immense utility during fights.

Diana: Scorn of Moon

Diana is a versatile champion who can be played both in the mid lane and the jungle. Her passive ability empowers her basic attacks, dealing bonus magic damage. Diana's Q ability allows her to poke enemies from a distance, while her ultimate can be used to engage or disengage fights with its dash and crowd control effects.


Olaf: The Berserker

Olaf is a bruiser-type champion who excels at dueling and ping into enemy backlines. His passive ability grants him bonus attack speed, making him a threat in extended fights. Olaf's ultimate makes him immune to crowd control effects for a short duration, allowing him to freely engage or escape from dangerous situations.


In conclusion, the jungle role is vital in League of Legends: Wild Rift as it provides opportunities for controlling objectives and supporting teammates. Evelynn, Lee Sin, Diana, and Olaf are among the top jungle champions worth practicing due to their unique abilities and playstyles. Mastering these champions will greatly enhance your gameplay experience as a jungler in Wild Rift.




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