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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-12 21:00:02


In this article, we will discuSS the pricing of new chaMPions in League of Legends. The release of a new champion is always an exciting event for players, as it brings fresh gameplay and strategies to the game. However, the cost of unlocking these champions can vary, and understanding their pricing structure is important for players who want to expand their champion pool. In this article, we will explore how Riot Games determines the prices for new champions and discuss its impact on players.

The Pricing Structure

Riot Games follows a tiered pricing structure when releasing new champions in League of Legends. Upon release, a new champion is priced at 7800 Blue Essence or 975 Riot Points (RP). This high initial price serves as an exclusive period where only dedicated or financially able players can access the champion immediately.

After approximately one week, the price drops to 6300 Blue Essence or 975 RP. This reduction allows more players to unlock the champion without having to spend real money on RP. The final drop occurs after another week when the price settles at 4800 Blue Essence or 880 RP.

The Impact on Players

The tiered pricing structure has both positive and negative impacts on players. On one hand, it creates a sense of exclusivity during the first week after release. Players who are willing to invest more time or money into acqUIring a newly released champion can enjoy playing them before they become widely available.

On the other hand, some players may feel frustrated by this system as they have to wait for two weeks before being able to afford a newly released champion with in-game currency (Blue Essence). This delay can be especially discouraging if they are excited about trying out specific playstyles or strategies associated with that particular champion.

Economic Considerations

Riot Games' pricing strategy for new champions is not solely based on gameplay considerations. It also takes into account economic factors and player spending habits. By initially setting the price high, Riot Games encourages players to spend real money on RP to unlock the champion immediately.

This approach helps generate revenue for the company and supports ongoing development and maintenance of League of Legends. Additionally, it incentivizes players to engage with in-game events or purchase RP bundles, which often include bonus content ALOngside champion unlocks.

Player Feedback

The pricing of new champions has been a topic of discussion among League of Legends players. Some argue that the initial high cost creates an unfair advantage for those who can afford to pay real money, while others appreciate the exclusivity it brings during the first week.


Riot Games has taken player feedback into consideration over time and made adjustments to their pricing structure. For example, they introduced a "Blue Essence Emporium" event where players can exchange excess Blue Essence for exclusive content or discounted champion unlocks.


The pricing structure for new champions in League of Legends plays a significant role in shaping player experiences and Riot Games' revenue stream. While some players may find it frustrating or unfair at times, it is important to recognize that this system helps support ongoing development efforts and maintain a healthy gaming ecosystem.


As Riot Games continues to evolve its approach towards champion pricing based on player feedback, we can expect further refinements that strike a balance between accessibility and exclusivity within League of Legends.




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