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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-12 07:40:01


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game that features intense team-based batTLes. In the ranked mode, players compete against each other to climb the ladder and improve their rankings. Choosing the right champions is crucial for success in these matches. This aRTicle will provide recommendations for commonly used champions in LoL ranked games.

Tank Champions

Tank champions play a vital role in absorbing damage and protecting their teammates during team fights. They hAVe high health pools and crowd control abilities that can disrupt enemy strategies.

1. Alistar: Alistar is an excellent tank support champion with strong crowd control abilities like his Headbutt and Pulverize. He can initiate fights or peel enemies off his carries effectively.

2. Maokai: Maokai excels at engaging enemies with his Twisted Advance ability, which allows him to root opponents while taking reduced damage himself. His ultimate ability, Nature's Grasp, provides great area-of-effect crowd control during team fights.

3. Ornn: Ornn is a versatile tank champion who can engage enemies with his Searing Charge ability or provide utility to his team by upgrading items through Masterwork passive ability.

Mage Champions

Mage champions deal high burst or sustained magic damage from a distance using their powerful abilities. They are often played in mid lane but can also be effective in other roles like support or top lane.

1. Syndra:Syndra has exceptional burst damage potential with her Dark Sphere ability combined with her ultimate Unleashed Power, which allows her to pick off squishy targets easily during team fights.

2. Orianna: Orianna is a control mage who excels at zoning enemies and providing utility to her team. Her Command: Shockwave ability can turn the tide of team fights by pulling enemies together.

3. Ahri: Ahri is an assassin-mage hybrid who can burst down squishy targets with her abilities like Orb of Deception and Charm. She also has mobility through her Spirit Rush ability, making her difficult to catch.

Assassin Champions

Assassin champions specialize in quickly eliminating high-value targets like enemy carries or mages. They have high burst damage and mobility, allowing them to swiftly enter and exit fights.

1. Zed:Zed is a highly mobile assassin who excels at single-target burst damage using his Living Shadow ability combined with his ultimate Death Mark, which deals massive damage over time.

2. Katarina:Katarina is known for her resets, allowing her to chain kills during team fights effortlessly. Her Sinister Steel ability provides area-of-effect damage while Shunpo allows for quick dashes between targets.

3.Talon:Talon has excellent roaming potential due to his Parkour passive ability, which allows him to traverse walls easily. His Noxian Diplomacy combined with Rake provides significant burst damage in short trades or all-ins.

Mark**an Champions

Mark**an champions are ranged physical damage dealers who excel at dealing sustained DPS (damage per second) from a distance during team fights or sieges on objectives like turrets or dragons.

1.Caitlyn:Caitlyn has long-range capabilities that allow her to poke enemies from afar while also having strong zoning potential with her Yordle Snap Trap ability. Her ultimate, Ace in the Hole, can finish off low-health enemies across the map.

2.Kai'Sa:Kai'Sa is a versatile mark**an who can deal both physical and magic damage. She has high mobility with her Supercharge ability and can quickly burst down targets using her Void Seeker and Killer Instinct abilities.

3.Jhin:Jhin is a unique mark**an who relies on his fourth shot to deal massive damage. His Curtain Call ultimate allows him to execute enemies from long range while also providing utility through its slow effect.


In League of Legends ranked games, choosing the right champions is crucial for success. Tank champions like Alistar, Maokai, and Ornn provide frontline presence and crowd control abilities. Mage champions like Syndra, Orianna, and Ahri excel at dealing magic damage from a distance while providing utility to their teams. Assassin champions like Zed, Katarina, and Talon specialize in eliminating high-value targets swiftly. Mark**an champions like Caitlyn,Kai'Sa,and Jhin are ranged DPS dealers who excel at sustained damage during team fights or sieges on objectives.

Remember that champion seLECtion should also consider team composition and inpidual playstyle preferences. Experimenting with different champions will help you find your preferred playstyle in ranked games!




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