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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-11 03:55:02



With the popularity of LEAgue of Legends, the ranking of champions in terms of their power and abilities has become a topic of great interest among players. In this article, we will explore the universe power ranking in League of Legends and discuss the factors that contribute to a champion's overall strength.

The Top Tier Champions

In any game, there are always champions who stand out from the rest due to their exceptional abilities and versatility. These top-tier champions dominate the battlefield with their superior skills and strategic advantages. Some examples include:

英雄联盟宇宙战力排行榜 Ahri - The Nine-Tailed Fox: Known for her high burst damage and mobility, Ahri is a popular choice among mid-lane assassins. Darius - The Hand of Noxus: With his immense strength and crowd control abilities, Darius excels as a top-lane bruiser. Jinx - The Loose Cannon: Jinx is an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) who can deal massive amounts of damage from a safe distance with her long-range attacks.

The Rising Stars

While some champions have consistently maintained their position at the top tier, others have recently emerged as rising stars in terms of power. These champions have undergone significant changes or received buffs that propelled them into higher ranks. Here are some notable rising stars:

Irelia - The Blade Dancer: Irelia's rework has made her more versatile with increased mobility and damage potential. Kai'Sa - Daughter Of The Void: As an ADC with hybrid damage caPAbilities, Kai'Sa has quickly risen to prominence due to her ability to adapt to different situations. Zoe – Aspect Of Twilight: Zoe's unique abilities and long-range poke make her a formidable mid-lane mage.

The Underdogs

While some champions may not be considered top-tier or rising stars, they still possess unique qualities that make them valuable assets in certain team compositions. These underdog champions often excel in specific roles or situations. Some examples include:

Bard - The Wandering Caretaker: Bard's ability to roam and provide utility for his team makes him a valuable support pick. Singed - The Mad Chemist: Singed is known for his disruptive playstyle, creating chaos among enemy lines as a top-lane tank. Twitch - The Plague Rat: Twitch's stealth mechanics and high damage output make him a deadly ADC when played correctly.

The Balance Dilemma

Maintaining balance within the game is crucial to ensure fair gameplay and prevent any single champion from dominating the meta. Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, regularly updates champions' abilities and stats to maintain equilibrium among all characters. However, achieving perfect balance is an ongoing challenge due to the ever-evolving nature of the game.


In conclusion, the universe power ranking in League of Legends is constantly evolving as new champions are introduced or existing ones receive updates. While some champions dominate the meta consistently, others rise through buffs or reworks. Each champion brings their own unique strengths and weaknesses to the battlefield, adding depth and complexity to gameplay. It is this persity that keeps players engaged and ensures that no two matches are ever alike in League of Legends.




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