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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-10 03:05:02


In the World of League of Legends, heroes come and go. Some champions have stood the test of time, while others have been removed from the GAMe for various reasons. However, in recent years, Riot Games has made a surprising decision to bring back six deleted champions. This article will EXplore the return of these champions and their impact on the game.

The Return of Graves

One of the first deleted champions to make a comeback was Graves. Originally released as a ranged AD carry, Graves underwent significant changes over time before being removed from the game due to balance issues. However, Riot Games decided to reintroduce him as a melee bruiser with his shotgun mechanic intact.


The Rebirth of Poppy

Poppy was another champion who disappeared from Summoner's Rift for some time before making her triumphant return. Once known for her ability to pe into enemy lines and disrupt teamfights with her ultimate ability "Diplomatic ImmUnity," Poppy received a complete rework that transformed her into a tanky top laner with enhanced crowd control abilities.

Aatrox Rises Again

Aatrox was initially introduced as an auto-attack-based champion but struggled to find his place in competitive play. After being removed from League of Legends entirely, Aatrox returned with an updated kit that focused on sustain and area-of-effect damage. His new ultimate ability "World Ender" allows him to revive upon death and wreak havoc on his enemies.

The Resurgence of Yorick

Yorick had long been considered one of League's forgotten champions until Riot Games decided it was time for him to make a comeback. With an updated kit centered around summoning ghouls and trapping enemies in his ultimate ability "Maiden of the Mist," Yorick has become a force to be reckoned with in the top lane.

The Comeback of Urgot

Urgot, once known as one of League's most outdated champions, received a complete overhaul that transformed him into a terrifying juggernaut. With his new abilities focused on shredding armor and executing low-health targets with his ultimate ability "Fear Beyond Death," Urgot has become a popular pick in both solo queue and professional play.

The Return of Galio

Galio, the Colossus, was removed from League of Legends due to being overshadowed by other tanky champions. However, Riot Games decided to give him a second chance by reworking his kit entirely. The new Galio boasts powerful area-of-effect damage and crowd control abilities that make him an excellent choice for teamfight-oriented compositions.


The return of these six deleted champions has breathed new life into League of Legends. Each champion's rework not only brought them back into the game but also made them more viable and exciting to play. Whether it's Graves' shotgun blasts or Poppy's hammer swings, these champions have found their place once again on Summoner's Rift.





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