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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-08 10:35:02



The new sEAson of League of Legends in July has come to an end, and it's time to reflect on the highlights and challenges that players have faced. This aRTicle will delve into various aspects of the game, including champion updates, meta shifts, and player strategies.

Champion Updates

In this new season, Riot Games introduced several champion updates to enhance gameplay persity. One notable update was for Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer. His abilities were reworked to provide more skill expression and strategic decision-making opportunities for players. This update received positive feedback from the community as it revitalized interest in playing Ezreal.

Another significant champion update was for Aatrox, the Darkin Blade. Riot Games completely redesigned his kit to transform him into a powerful bruiser with high sustain and crowd control capabilities. This change brought Aatrox back into competitive play and made him a popular pick among top laners.

Meta Shifts

The start of a new season always brings about changes in the meta -the most effective strategies employed by players at any given time-. In July's season, we witnessed some interesting shifts in meta picks across different roles.

In the top lane, tanks like Ornn and Maokai dominated due to their ability to absorb damage while providing utility for their team. However, with Aatrox's rework mentioned earlier, he became a strong contender against these tanky champions due to his sustain and damage output.

In mid lane, assassins such as Zed and LeBlanc were prevalent choices because they could quickly burst down squishy targets during skirmishes or team fights. However, mages like Syndra gained popularity due to her ability to control objectives with her long-range stun ability -Scatter the Weak-. This shift in the mid lane meta brought a new dynamic to team compositions and strategic decision-making.

Player Strategies

As players adapted to the changes in champion updates and meta shifts, new strategies emerged during July's season. One popular strategy was the "split push" tactic, where a player would focus on pushing one lane while their team pressured other areas of the map. This strategy aimed to create map pressure and force opponents into making unfavorable decisions.

Another prevalent strategy was "objective control," which involved prioritizing dragon kills or securing Rift Herald early in the game. Teams that excelled at objective control gained an advantage by obtaining powerful buffs or global gold advantages for their entire team.


The July season of League of Legends brought exciting changes with champion updates, meta shifts, and innovative player strategies. The reworked champions like Ezreal and Aatrox injected freshness into gameplay, while shifts in meta picks provided opportunities for different playstyles.英雄联盟7月新赛季截止 Player strategies evolved as they adapted to these changes, leading to more perse approaches towards winning games. As we look forward to future seasons, it will be interesting to see how Riot Games continues to evolve League of Legends as an ever-evolving competitive game.




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